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Property Listings

Description: Retrieve property listings for a given area.
Access URI: https://api.zoopla.co.uk/api/v1/property_listings

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Input parameters

In addition to the standard area location parameters, the input parameters detailed below are also accepted.

Key name Description
radius (compulsory) When providing a latitude and longitude position, this is the radius from the position to find listings. Minimum radius 0.1 miles, maximum radius is 40 miles.
order_by The value which the results should be ordered, either "price" (default) or "age" of listing.
ordering Sort order for the listings returned. Either "descending" (default) or "ascending".
listing_status Request a specific listing status. Either "sale" or "rent".
include_sold Whether to include property listings that are already sold in the results when searching for sale listings, either "1" or "0". Defaults to 0.
include_rented Whether to include property listings that are already rented in the results when searching for rental listings, either "1" or "0". Defaults to 0.
minimum_price Minimum price for the property, in GBP. When listing_status is "sale" this refers to the sale price and when listing_status is "rent" it refers to the per-week price.
maximum_price Maximum price for the property, in GBP.
minimum_beds The minimum number of bedrooms the property should have.
maximum_beds The maximum number of bedrooms the property should have.
furnished Specify whether or not the apartment is "furnished", "unfurnished" or "part-furnished". This parameter only applies to searches related to rental property.
property_type Type of property, either "houses" or "flats".
new_homes Specifying "yes"/"true" will restrict to only new homes, "no"/"false" will exclude them from the results set.
chain_free Specifying "yes"/"true" will restrict to chain free homes, "no"/"false" will exclude them from the results set.
keywords Keywords to search for within the listing description.
listing_id A specific listing_id to request updated details for. This value can be submitted several times to request several listings, but please note that other provided arguments will still be taken into account when filtering listings.
branch_id A specific branch_id to request listings for. This branch idea should correspond to a known branch ID from the Zoopla Web site.
page_number The page number of results to request, default 1.
page_size The size of each page of results, default 10, maximum 100.
summarised Specifying "yes"/"true" will return a cut-down entry for each listing with the description cut short and the following fields will be removed: price_change, floor_plan.

Generated output

Key name Description
result_count Total number of results in this data set.
listing Each listing in the result set is contained with a listing element with the following key/value pairs:
Key name Description
listing_id The Zoopla.co.uk unique listing identifier for this property listing.
outcode The outcode for the property.
post_town The name of the town that the property is located within.
displayable_address The address of the property.
county The name of the county that the property is in.
country The name of the country that the property is in.
num_bathrooms The number of bathrooms that this property has.
num_bedrooms The number of bedrooms that this property has.
num_floors The number of floors that this property has.
num_recepts The number of receptions that this property has.
listing_status The current listings status of this property, either "sale" or "rent".
status The listings's specific status, possible values are: "for_sale", "sale_under_offer", "sold", "to_rent", "rent_under_offer" and "rented".
price The price of this property for listings that have a status of "sale" and a per-week price for those that have a status of "rent". For example  <per_month>1600</per_month> or  <per_week>369</per_week>
If the price modifier value is "price_on_request" the price will be returned as 0.
price_modifier Restrictions related to the price of the listing, specifically: "offers_over", "poa", "fixed_price", "from", "offers_in_region_of", "part_buy_part_rent", "price_on_request", "shared_equity", "shared_ownership", "guide_price", "sale_by_tender".
price_change Price change information when it was received by the Zoopla web site.
Key name Description
price The new price received for the listing.
date The full date and time that the new price was received (e.g. 2011-02-12 00:31:53)
property_type Type of property, possible values:
  • Terraced
  • End of terrace
  • Semi-detached
  • Detached
  • Mews house
  • Flat
  • Maisonette
  • Bungalow
  • Town house
  • Cottage
  • Farm/Barn
  • Mobile/static
  • Land
  • Studio 
  • Block of flats 
  • Office
street_name The name of the street that this property is on.
thumbnail_url A web address for the thumbnail associated with this property, with a bounding width of 80 pixels and a height of 60 pixels.
image_url A web address for the main image associated with this property, with a bounding width of 354 pixels and a height of 255 pixels.
image_caption The caption related to the thumbnail and main image provided with this image.
floor_plan Each floor plan associated with the listing will have a URL appear within a "floor_plan" element of the listing.
description A description of the property. Add description_style=1 in the query string to help format the text. 
short_description A short description of the property, similar to that used in search results.
details_url URL for the full details for this listing on www.zoopla.co.uk
new_home If this listing is classified as a new home then "true", otherwise "false".
latitude The latitude of the property, if known.
longitude The longitude coordinate of the property, if known.
rental_frequency Price per week or price by month
shared_occupancy  Where the property is co-habited and shared accomodation i.e single room 
first_published_date The date that this listing first appeared on the Zoopla Web site.
last_published_date The date that this listing was last amended or updated on Zoopla web site
agent_name The name of the agent that is advertising this listing.
agent_logo A URL to a logo that can be used for the agent that is advertising this listing.
agent_phone The phone number that can be used to contact the agent about this listing.